Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Mahanagdong Geothermal Power Station

Nasuji to BacMan Relocation Study

Nasuji Plant

The Project

In 2014, the 49MW Northern Negros plant was relocated to Palinpinon in southern Negros. Thorndon Cook staff were closely involved in the initial study, specification development and construction/commissioning support for this successful relocation project. The Northern Negros plant relocation effectively made the 20MW Nasuji plant at Palinpinon redundant and it was mothballed.

EDC was considering expanded development of the BacMan field, and relocation of the Nasuji plant was one development option. Thorndon Cook was engaged to complete a feasibility study for the relocation.

Our Role

  • Transport options and limitations
  • Identification of components for relocation/replacement
  • Performance impacts
  • Relocation schedule
  • Cost estimates of relocation vs new plant


The study completed by Thorndon Cook provided the client with cost and performance information to assist with their planning for the future use of the Nasuji plant, and evaluation of options to expand the BacMan development.


mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil and structural engineering, control and instrumentation

feasibility studies, including economic analysis

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