Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Plant

Rantau Dedap 98 MW Geothermal power plant- Indonesia

RD1 Drilling Platform

The Project

Supreme Energy and consortium partners Engie and Marubeni are the developers of a 98 MWe double flash geothermal plant. The project is located 80 km south of Lahat on Sumatra island in Indonesia. TCP was engaged by Thai Mott MacDonald Ltd to be part of the Lender Technical Advisory (LTA) team reviewing the project for the lenders led by Mizuho Bank from Japan, before and after financial closure.

Our Role

  • High level review, prior to financial close, of the drilling and the EPC contracts, as well as the main technical and financial project documents highlighting up front fatal flaws if any, as well as project risks and their mitigations. Review and validation of the technical and financial inputs to the financial model.   
  • Project implementation and EPC contractor performance review during implementation phase. Review of all progress reports and quarterly site visits ill COD date. TCP will also witness the final acceptance tests on behalf of the lenders.


Financial closure reached in 2018; project implementation in progress with an expected commercial operation in 2020.


mechanical engineering

due diligence studies, lender's engineer roles

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