Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Wayang Windu Geothermal Power Station

Rotokawa Crown Wells Valuation

Concept Development for Valuation

The Project

Provide a valuation of RK6 and RK8 Crown owned wells for potential inclusion in Ngāti Tūwharetoa Hapu Forum’s Agreement in Principle to settle its historical Treaty of Waitangi claim 

Our Role

  • Review of land ownership, covenants and land valuation, and review of existing resource consents and assessment of consent costs and timeframe
  • Assessment of potential uses of geothermal fluid and consequent capital and operating costs and revenue
  • Consider depreciated replacement cost and income approaches
  • Review geothermal reservoir attributes, well productivity, makeup drilling costs, steamfield and power plant developments costs, transmission options and costs, electricity price projections and competitor activities, LRMC of geothermal developments, and direct use options.
  • Prepare Capex and Opex for the development options, including greenfield development
  • Valuation in accordance with NZ IAS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment accounting standard which is the New Zealand equivalent to the International Accounting Standard 16.


The work by Thorndon Cook provided the client with an independent third-party assessment of the asset values.


mechanical engineering, electrical engineering

conceptual engineering, capital and operating costs estimation

asset evaluation and valuation

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