Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Plant

Turkey Geothermal Plant Due Diligence

Turkey Geothermal Capacity

The Project

Thorndon Cook was engaged to provide technical due diligence for the lender providing mezzanine finance for geothermal power plant in Turkey. The asset portfolio included:

  • Four operational plants
  • Three plants under construction
  • Three plants under development

Our Role

  • Phase 1: Key issues list
    • Prepare a request for information and review information supplied
    • Develop a high-level list of key issues: identify and rank risks; evaluate potential impacts; identify mitigation measures
    • Complete a high level review of plant performance, capital cost and operating costs
  • Phase 2: Red Flag report
    • Develop and update the key issues identified at Phase 1 following further detail review of information


The technical due diligence review identified risk areas and mitigation measures for the portfolio of geothermal plants to assist the lender with its financing decisions.


due diligence studies

asset evaluation and valuation

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