Biliran Project Director - Philippines
Thorndon Cook provided the services of a project director to Orka Geothermal Investments for their investment in the Biliran geothermal development. The services included:
- Providing technical, commercial and strategic advice and recommendations to the Company in respect of its interest in Biliran Geothermal Inc with a view of ensuring an efficient, effective and globally best-practice project and the highest possible return on invested capital.
- Acting as the Company’s shareholder representative in matters relating to Orka, including attending BGI meetings and steering committee meetings and advising the Company on operational, governance and shareholder matters relating to BGI;
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Karaha and Lumut Balai Geothermal FCRS Design - Indonesia
Thorndon Cook provided Engineering Design services under subcontract to MTL for the Fluid Collection and Reinjection Systems for the Karaha (EPC contractor: Alstom-Hawkins consortium) and Lumut Balai (EPC contractor: Hawkins-Toshiba consortium) geothermal power projects.
Services included:- development of functional control descriptions
- support for process engineering
- support for equipment specification
- detail engineering (including stress analysis) of steamfield piping
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Karaha Commissioning and Field Engineering - Indonesia
Thorndon Cook provided the services of a FCRS Commissioning Engineer to Hawkins-BCK (the FCRS and BOP EPC subcontractor) and also subsequently Commissioning Manager for the Power Plant and FCRS to GE (the head EPC contractor) for the 32MW Karaha Geothermal project.
Thorndon Cook also prepared the Commissioning Procedures and Operation Manuals for the FCRS and delivered the FCRS operator training in Jakarta.
Significant field engineering services were also provided as presented under the Project link above.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Ngawha OEC 4 Expansion FCRS Process Modelling - New Zealand
Thorndon Cook undertook two phase modelling for the original concept proposed for the 31.25MW Ngawha OEC-4 expansion whereby fluid from the production wells would be transported through a 995m long two phase pipeline to a vertical cyclone separator located near the power plant.
The Beggs and Brill method was used for modelling the two phase flow regime and pressure loss in the pipeline as this procedure is well suited for calculating two phase flow properties in inclined pipes. The Watson methodology was used to model the formation and properties of slug flow in the piping whereby stratified flow is tested for instability to small disturbances and then analysed in the unstable region to find if slug flow is possible.
The modelling indicated that slug flow in the riser to the vertical separator could not be avoided. A horizontal separator located at the production wellpad was recommended as the appropriate solution.
Additional services provided included:
- Optimisation of wellhead, steam and brine pipe sizes.
- Assistance with cost estimation for potential scope adjustments.
- Review of Functional Control Description
- Optimisation of insulation thickness.
- Review of slug loading.
- Assistance with concept design for a horizontal separator
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Turkey Geothermal Plant Due Diligence - Turkey
Thorndon Cook was engaged to provide technical due diligence for the lender providing mezzanine finance for geothermal power plant in Turkey. The asset portfolio included:
- Four operational plants
- Three plants under construction
- Three plants under development
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
EDC Geothermal Due Diligence - Philippines
Thorndon Cook (TC) were selected by MacQuarie Investments (MIRA) from an international tender to undertake a large and detailed Technical Due Diligence and Risk Assessment of all of EDC geothermal assets including those in Leyte (232MW Malitbog, 180MW Mahanagdong and 125MW Upper Mahiao), Bacman (140MW), Southern Negros (215MW) and Mindanao (104MW).
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Star Energy Geothermal Due Diligence - Indonesia, Philippines
Thorndon Cook (TC) were selected by Bangchak Petroleum (BCPG) from international tender to undertake a large and detailed Technical Due Diligence and risk assessment of Star Energy geothermal assets (almost 1,000MW) including the recently acquired ex- Chevron geothermal assets, and the 227MW Wayang Windu geothermal power project.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Nasuji to BacMan Relocation Study - Philippines
In 2014, the 49MW Northern Negros plant was relocated to Palinpinon in southern Negros. Thorndon Cook staff were closely involved in the initial study, specification development and construction/commissioning support for this successful relocation project. The Northern Negros plant relocation effectively made the 20MW Nasuji plant at Palinpinon redundant and it was mothballed.
EDC was considering expanded development of the BacMan field, and relocation of the Nasuji plant was one development option. Thorndon Cook was engaged to complete a feasibility study for the relocation.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Binary Plant Major Hazard Review - New Zealand
Under the Health and Safety at Work (Major Hazard Facilities) Regulations 2016 the Mercury Ltd binary cycle power plants have been designated as upper tier Major Hazard Facilities (MHF).
Mercury is required to implement a complete Process Safety system for its MHF.
Thorndon Cook was engaged to prepare a technical specification covering binary cycle turbines and associated equipment.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Japanese ORC Due Diligence - Japan
TCP was engaged by Owl Ltd to undertake a 3rd party independent due diligence evaluation of the proposal to install ORC generating plants as part of a small scale geothermal development.
TCP scope included an evaluation on the size and suitability of the resource, a review of the proposed power plant package together with a review of the Capex and Opex.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Rantau Dedap 98 MW Geothermal power plant- Indonesia - Indonesia
Thorndon Cook was engaged in 2017 by Thai Mott MacDonald Ltd to be part of the Lender Technical Advisory (LTA) team.
Before financial closure, Thorndon Cook scope covered the review of drilling and EPC technical and financial documents, identifying project risks and possible mitigation. Since financial closure Thorndon Cook scope includes construction management services, reviewing project implementation progress and performing quarterly site visits.
Thorndon Cook will also witness the final acceptance tests on behalf of the lenders.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
ENGIE Laborelec Operation and Maintenance Guidelines - Belgium
TCP was engaged by Laborelec from Belgium (part of Engie group) to prepare a comprehensive guideline report on operation and maintenance best practice and typical issues specific to geothermal power plants.
The scope of work included geothermal steamfield and power plant operating and maintenance best practice, schedules, staffing, Opex and Capex costs as well as health and safety plans.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Draskovec natural gas and geothermal project - Croatia
TCP was engaged by Mott MacDonald (UK) to assist with the due diligence of the Draškovec project which is located in the Pannonian Basin, a geological formation that extends under Hungary and Croatia.
The geothermal water under the Draškovec site is rich in natural gas.
The pilot project, funded by the European Union, will generate electricity to the local grid via gas turbines and a binary plant extracting heat from the geothermal brine and the exhaust flue gas from the gas turbines. The project will also include District Heating from the geothermal fluids extracted with the gas.
The project will also include District Heating from the geothermal fluids extracted. with the gas.
TCP assessed the risks related to the resource, the wells already drilled and the ORC energy conversion unit. Project schedule and budget were peer reviewed.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
GPP Commissioning Plan, TOPs and ITPs - New Zealand
Thorndon Cook provided a commissioning manual, turn over package (TOP) checklists and inspection and test plans (ITP) for a generic geothermal power plant.
The generic plant was based on a standard geothermal steam turbine with a steam terminal point at the main steam isolation valve upstream of a scrubber, and electrical terminal point at the HV terminals of the step-up transformer. A conventional direct contact condenser with hybrid gas ejector system and mechanical draft cooling tower was used.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Imperial Valley Process Engineering - USA
Thorndon Cook was engaged to undertake a high level study of generic power plant development costs for 50MW (net) double flash and binary power plant options in the Imperial Valley geothermal area, USA. The scope of work included:
- Process / Project descriptions for the main components of the steamfield and power plant systems for the double flash and binary options.
- Generic material specifications appropriate for the Imperial Valley geothermal resource.
- Calculation of high level heat rate rates for the double flash and binary plant options using generic design parameters that would be generally appropriate for the Imperial Valley resource production and local ambient conditions. Calculation of associated geothermal fluid production requirements for each plant type.
- Gathering and reinjection system concept design (including two phase flow lines as appropriate), generic layout and sizing of pipelines, vessels, reinjection pumps and other principal steamfield plant in sufficient detail to permit cost estimation.
- Estimation of quantities for process consumables.
- Preparation of Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs).
- Details of curtailment (generation turndown) considerations and limits for both the double flash and binary plant options.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Lahendong 1x5 MW EPC Engineering - Indonesia
Pertamina Geothernmal Energy (PGE) planned to build and operate Small Scale Geothermal Power Plant 1 x 5MW-GROSS including its support facilities in the Lahendong Area. JFE intended to bid for the Project as a main contractor and engaged Thorndon Cook to provide bid engineering services for the small scale Geothermal Power Plant and Fluid Collection and Reinjection System.
Thorndon Cook carried out power cycle optimisation and preliminary design to determine size, capacity and specification of major equipment and materials for JFE’s cost estimation, including piping, separator, vent system, steam scrubber, condenser, cooling tower and basin, gas removal system, hotwell pumps, auxiliary cooling water pump, control valves and associated piping and fittings.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Chevron Geothermal Due Diligence - Indonesia, Philippines
TC was selected by PT Medco through a competitive tender process to undertake a full Technical Due Diligence and Risk Assessment for Medco who were bidding in the Chevron geothermal asset sale programme. The Due Diligence work covered Darajat (271MW), Salak (330MW) and Tiwi/MakBan Chevron assets.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Muara Labuh 85 MW Geothermal Power Plant - Indonesia - Indonesia
Thorndon Cook was engaged in 2016 by Thai Mott MacDonald Ltd to be part of the Lender Technical Advisory (LTA) team.
Before financial closure, Thorndon Cook scope included a high level review of the drilling and EPC technical and financial documents. Following financial closure Thorndon Cook scope included the project implementation and EPC contractor
Before financial closure, Thorndon Cook scope covered the review of drilling and EPC technical and financial documents, identifying project risks and possible mitigation. Since financial closure Thorndon Cook scope includes construction management services, reviewing project implementation progress and performing quarterly site visits.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
African Drilling Code Translation for the GRMF - Germany
Tiwi and Makban Geothermal Plants DD - Philippines
TCP was engaged as technical advisor by Mott McDonald Thailand to perform a full due diligence of all existing assets at Tiwi (330 MW) and Makban (450 MW) fields, owned and operated by Aboitiz. The end client was a pool of Bankers and the due diligence aimed at assessing risks and possible mitigations to ensure the long term reliable operation of both plants.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Ngatamariki Mix Plant Design - New Zealand
The geothermal production wells at Mighty River Power’s (MRP) Ngatamariki (NTM) steam field are susceptible to calcite scaling within the well casing, which causes a loss of production.
Thorndon Cook was engaged by MRP to undertake the detailed design of a continuous inline mixing plant for calcite inhibition antiscalant to supply well-pad based delivery systems injecting diluted antiscalant into the wells below the flash point.
Thorndon Cook delivered the complete detailed design consisting of a set of drawings, construction specifications, tables, schedules and data sheets that comprised the technical documents for MRP’s request for supply and installation tenders.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Akiira Due Diligence - Kenya
Thorndon Cook was engaged by the financiers for the proposed 2x 35MW Akiira geothermal project in Kenya to undertake a technical due diligence of the proposed project and to highlight any significant risk areas and how such risks could be mitigated. In particular, Thorndon cook reviewed:
- The Akiira geothermal resource to ensure that it was likely to be of adequate size and quality for the development proposed
- The Akiira drilling plans and schedule for reasonableness.
- The project schedule to ensure all major activities were shown, and that timing and durations of these activities were reasonable.
- The project concept design to ensure that it was technically feasible, and technology chosen well proven commercially.
- The project capital cost estimates for completeness and reasonableness.
- Preparation of a report showing all likely project risks and how these could be mitigated.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Indonesian Geothermal Feasibility Study - Indonesia
Thorndon Cook were engaged by a Turkish Company to undertake an independent third party due diligence/review of the results of the scientific exploration work conducted over 5 geothermal prospect areas in Sumatra and East Java, Indonesia
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Remnant Life Assessment Study for TG2 Binary Plant - New Zealand
Thorndon Cook was engaged by Nova Energy to conduct a remnant life assessment for the 22 year old Kawerau TG2 binary power plant. The scope of work included detailed assessment of the condenser, preheaters, vaporiser, turbine and generator. The key scope included:
- A Life Assessment Report that can be used to support a wider assessment of the safety and integrity of the plant
- An independent audit of the tube corrosion tests (Acoustic Eye results).
- Calculation of the level of conservatism designed into the preheaters and vaporizer tube thicknesses and provide recommendations on the acceptance/rejection criteria for the tubes with regards to wall thickness.
- Recommendations on any additional testing required to establish adequate remnant life.
- Recommendations on preventative maintenance testing going forward for each of the main items of equipment.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Nga Awa Purua 140 MW Geothermal Power Station - New Zealand
Thorndon Cook was engaged by Mighty River Power to undertake a review of the KPIs and KOPs for the power station and steamfield Operation and Maintenance contracts between MRP and the Nga Awa Purua JV and Rotokawa JV respectively.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Wayang Windu I and II Rebuild - Indonesia
In May 2015 shortly after Wayang Windu Unit I had been shut down for overhaul, a landslide in the steamfield swept away several hundreds of metres of steamfield piping, and with tragic loss of life. It was decided to bring forward the overhaul of the second unit, and following the strip down and inspection by SBS Indonesia/Progen, both units were placed in preservation. The rebuild was undertaken by SBS Indonesia/Progen and commenced at the end of July 2015. TCP provided a specialist project manager to manage the rebuild process.
Features of the rebuild included:- Coordination of international turbine specialists and local technical skills.
- Worked closely with plant owner and OEM, Fuji Electric
- Units rebuilt to meet manufacturer’s tolerances, with careful alignment and clearance checks of all rotating parts.
- several new components and refurbished components incorporated
- lower casing level adjustment
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Due Diligence of the Alasehir-I and II and Maspo Geothermal Projects - Turkey
Thorndon Cook was engaged by Akfen Energy to undertake a pre-purchase Scientific and Engineering Due Diligence of the Turkerler Alasehir-I and II power plants and geothermal concession, and the Maspo geothermal concession. Thorndon Cook associated with PB Turkey for this project and subcontracted Middle Earth Geothermal for the geoscience scope. The work included an initial home-office based document review of available reports and performance data covering field and power plant operations followed by a site visit to enable the preparation and presentation of a preliminary risk matrix before the final due diligence report.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Dieng Binary Plant Concept Design - Indonesia
Thorndon Cook undertook concept design for a proposed 12MW binary plant which would generate power from existing separated brine from wells 7, 28 and 30. The study included:
- Chemical sampling of candidate wells and detailed analysis of silica scaling issues to establish the required mitigation measures, including acid dosing.
- Process design of Fluid Collection and Reinjection System.
- Establishment of piping alignments and modelling of brine temperature and pressure losses to power plant.
- Preparation of PFD’s and PIDs.
- Design of 15kV interconnection to existing Unit 1 station board.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Rotokawa Crown Wells Valuation - New Zealand
Thorndon Cook was engaged to provide a valuation of Crown owned geothermal wells for potential inclusion in Ngāti Tūwharetoa Hapu Forum’s Agreement in Principle to settle its historical Treaty of Waitangi claim.
The valuation considered depreciated replacement cost and income approaches. Work included land ownership and valuation, resource consenting, potential direct-use and greenfield development options, costs, and revenue projections.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Wayang Windu Geothermal Assets Due Diligence - Indonesia
Thorndon Cook Power staff were engaged by a potential investor to provide an objective and independent technical assessment of the geothermal assets owned by Star Energy Company Pte Ltd. Two Due Diligence Reports were provided to support the client in their valuation of the Wayang Windu geothermal assets and with the preparation of their bid to acquire a shareholding position within Star Energy Company Pte Ltd.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Rainbow Power Project - New Zealand
Rainbow Holdings (RH) has purchased the geothermal site nearby Poihipi power station and the Wairakei geothermal field in Taupo, New Zealand. One 2,031-metre well was completed in 2006 and some other production infrastructure is in place. RH is aiming to have a 60 MW geothermal plant operating in 2016. The development proposal would involve the drilling of a number of further production wells and reinjection wells. The members of Thorndon Cook Power were engaged as the developer’s engineer to assist RH by providing well test management and supervision, assessment of the well test results, and recommendations based on this assessment and the well history. Thorndon Cook Power staff were also requested to provide review of the previous works undertaken by Glucina & Associates, and finally provide the recommendations of this project development.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
N2N Geothermal Power Plant Relocation - Philippines
Members of Thorndon Cook Power were engaged by First Gen/EDC as owner's engineer to provide all engineering support and project management for the dismantling, transportation and re-installation of a 50MW geothermal power plant on the Island of Negros. The work included preparing scope of works and EPC specifications, bid evaluation of proposal by Fuji, design review, site construction and installation management and supervision.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Te Mihi Geothermal Power Station - New Zealand
Our team was significantly involved as part of Parsons Brinckerhoff which formed a Joint Venture (JV) with McConnell Dowell Constructors Limited and SNC-Lavalin Constructors Inc for the delivery of the EPC (Engineer, Procure, Construct) contract for the 2 x 83 MW Te Mihi power station. Our primary role, within the fully integrated JV, was to deliver the engineering and design for the project with ongoing technical support to the procurement and construction activities. Thorndon Cook staff members also took a lead role during plant commissioning and performance testing. Members of our team were responsible for all the detailed power plant design, including conceptual design, plant optimisation, BOP detailed engineering, performance guarantees, preparation of sub vendor packages, design drawings and documentation, site construction engineering support and commissioning support.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Rotokawa Steam Purity Improvement - New Zealand
Detailed engineering study, detailed design, and preparation of technical specifications for a new steam scrubbing system for a hybrid topping steam turbine, bottoming binary cycle geothermal power plant. The solutions addressed both liquid carry-over and vapour phase impurities with a mixture of condensation scrubbing, steam washing and moisture scrubbing.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Menengai 35 MW Geothermal - Kenya
Thorndon Cook Power staff provided technical and commercial advice to TransCentury and Civicon regarding assessment of involvement in a potential EPC contract for a 35MW geothermal power station on the Menengai geothermal field, Kenya. Detailed review of OEM sub-vendor offer for the main power plant equipment. Assessment of BOP proposals and determination of overall project EPC cost estimate. Preparation of Board presentation for management on the findings.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Karaha Bodas 30MW Geothermal Power Plant - Indonesia
Staff from Thorndon Cook Power were involved in bid engineering for including steamfield Front End Engineering Design, sizing and optimisation of equipment and pipelines, producing steamfield Heat and Mass Balances, PFDs and P&IDs, preliminary layout drawings, bills of materials and equipment specifications for project costings.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Due Diligence Investigation of the Tawau Geothermal Project - Malaysia
Thorndon Cook Power staff were engaged by a potential investor to provide an objective and independent technical assessment of the Tawau geothermal power project. The Tawau geothermal power project is the first geothermal power plant project in Malaysia located at Apas Kiri, Tawau District in the east coast of the state of Sabah in Malaysian Borneo. Tawau Green Energy (TGE) has procured all approvals required to commence geothermal exploration and design, construction, operation and maintenance of a 36MWe (gross) power plant.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Pertamina Geothermal (PGE) Training - Indonesia
Thorndon Cook Power Staff were engaged by Pertamina Geothermal (PGE) to provide specialised training to its new graduates and more experienced staff as part of its ambitious development program in Indonesia.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
New Northern Negros 5MW Front End Engineering Design (FEED) - Philippines
Members of Thorndon Cook Power were responsible for process, mechanical input and overall preparation of report to identify suitable modular technology options for a new geothermal power plant installation. Objective was to maximize the conversion of the available geothermal resource steam energy to electricity, and minimise the overall life cycle costs. Also they provided the rationale and recommendations for specific requirements to be incorporated into the plant Minimum Functional Specifications (MFS).
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Taheke Geothermal Power Plant Concept Study - New Zealand
Members of Thorndon Cook Power were engaged by Contact Energy to undertake a conceptual design of a 40MW geothermal power plant. The work included an investigation and review of a number of technology options including single flash, dual flash, ORC, and BCC and a report with recommendations as to the preferred option. Process flows were derived; plant performance was simulated using in-house software and a preliminary environmental assessment based on plant inputs and discharges made. The work also included the concept design of the steam field, pipe routes, separator and power plant location options investigation.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Raja Basa 2 x 110 MW Geothermal Feasibility Study - Indonesia
Thorndon Cook Power team members were engaged to provide conceptual engineering and pre-feasibility study including assessment of capex, opex and economics for various development scenarios and technologies as part of the bidding process for the field development concession. Feasibility investigations were completed for a 220 MW development at this green field site including resource assessment, conceptual engineering of both steam field and power plant, preparation of PFDs and PID’s, optimisations, performance modelling, chemical issues investigations, capex and opex estimation and economic analysis.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Bacman Rehabilitation - Philippines
First Gen Corporation/EDC engaged Thorndon Cook Power staff to provide the engineering and project management for the full rehabilitation of the power plants. The work included preparing scope of works and specifications, bid evaluation of sub-vendor proposals, site construction management and supervision.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Baturaden Geothermal Due Diligence - Indonesia
PT Trinergy was awarded the rights to develop the Baturaden Geothermal Concession area in Indonesia. Trinergy offered PT Adaro the opportunity to take a major share in the project. Thorndon Cook Staff undertook technical due diligence services for PT Adaro to ensure the project was an attractive investment proposition, and that all significant risks were identified and could be properly managed and mitigated.
Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Patuha Front End Engineering Design (FEED) - Indonesia
From well output and meteorological data Thorndon Cook Power staff were involved with the development of a model to optimise the sizing of critical steamfield and power plant components using its proprietary in-house geothermal plant optimisation and performance software. The outputs from the model were then used to refine plant layouts and provide basic specifications for those components. On completion of the FEED, EPC technical specifications were prepared for both the steam field and power plant. By such optimisation, we were able to add at least a further 2MW generation from more efficient use of the resource.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Suoh Sekincau 400MW Geothermal Project - Indonesia
Thorndon Cook Power staff were engaged by Origin Energy to provide the power plant technical information for their bid for the Suoh Sekincau geothermal concession area. The work included concept design for both single flash and dual flash technology options, plant layouts, preliminary optimisation and performance simulation, well flow rate requirements, technology review and choice, Capex and Opex estimations, development of P&IDs and PFDs, and environmental impact preliminary assessments.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Northern Negros 50MW Geothermal Power Plant Project - Philippines
Thorndon Cook Power staff were engaged with WESTJEC to undertake owners engineering services for this JBIC funded project. The scope of work included market study, transmission line study, power plant concept engineering, preparation of the majority of the technical specifications for EPC tender, assistance during tendering, EPC tender evaluation, and assistance with design review and site supervision.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
PNOC-EDC Sale - Philippines
Due diligence assessment for First Gen Corporation of 1,100MW of EDC geothermal assets, (resource, steam field and power plant assets) including investigation, concept engineering and feasibility of further geothermal project development possibilities, sizing, pre-engineering and costing. The work included concept engineering, plant and steam field optimisation, and cost estimation of a number of modifications, improvements, plant repair and rehabilitation options, and plant performance simulation and pre -feasibility investigations of further expansion opportunities.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Sarulla 330 MW Geothermal Power Project - Indonesia
Thorndon Cook Power staff were engaged by PT Medco to provide scientific and engineering due diligence investigations for the project including a critical review of plans, costs and pre-engineering undertaken by others. The work also included a detailed review and technical evaluation of the Ormat EPC proposal, detailed resource review and re-evaluation, and review of well planning, and the numerical simulation modelling of both the Silangkitang and Namora resources. The work also included the evaluation of other technical options for Sarulla including concept engineering and cost estimation of single and dual flash alternatives.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Darajat III Geothermal Power Station - Indonesia
The Darajat geothermal resource is located in West Java, approximately 40 km south-east of Bandung, the major provincial city of the region, and 150 km south-east of Jakarta. It is located near two other geothermal fields that Thorndon Cook Power staff have had close involvement with - the Kamojang geothermal field and the Wayang Windu geothermal field. Thorndon Cook staff were involved with Darajat III in providing the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) bid process and bid evaluation. Then during the implementation phase staff provided site engineering management and construction monitoring services.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Kawerau 90 MW Geothermal Power Station - New Zealand
Staff from Thorndon Cook Power were engaged by Toshiba and Thiess to provide the conceptual design, plant optimisation, performance guarantees, preparation of subvendor packages and assistance with pricing for the Thiess-Toshiba EPC bid for this project.Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:
Lahendong 1 x 20 MW Unit 2 Geothermal Power Station - Indonesia