Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Plant


  • Strategic Consulting

  • Wayang Windu Assets Valuation - Indonesia

    TCP was engaged as technical advisor by EGCO Thailand to perform an independent asset valuation of the two 110 MW units commissioned in 2000 and 2009. The assignment consisted in a high level approach to evaluate the likely replacement cost of the two units at the time of the acquisition by EGCO of asset shares from Star Energy in July 2014.

    Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:

  • Tawau Geothermal Development DD - Malaysia

    TCP was engaged as technical advisor by Mott McDonald Thailand to perform a due diligence of Tawau 36 MW binary development, looking in particular at regulatory, environmental and contractual issues that may generate risks in the forthcoming implementation phase of the project.

    Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:

  • Valuation of Rotokawa wells RK6 and RK8 - New Zealand

    Valuation of Rotokawa wells
    XValuation of Rotokawa wells
    Valuation of Rotokawa wells

    Thorndon Cook was engaged by the NZ Treasury to produce a non-binding independent valuation of the wells RK6 and RK8 and associated assets. These Crown owned geothermal wells had been included as an option in the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Hapu Forum’s Agreement in Principle to settle its historical Treaty of Waitangi claims with the Crown. A value needed to be ascribed to the wells.

    The value was determined in accordance with NZ IAS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment accounting standard. An income and depreciated replacement cost (DRC) approach was applied. 

    Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:

  • Ethiopian Least-Cost Power System Expansion Program - Ethiopia

    Ethiopian Least-Cost Power System Expansion Program
    XEthiopian Least-Cost Power System Expansion Program
    Ethiopian Least-Cost Power System Expansion Program
    The total installed capacity of the Ethiopian electrical system is currently 2 GW, around 8% of which is supplied by diesel-fired power plants. The remaining installed capacity comes from hydroelectric power plants. Thorndon Cook Power Staff’s role included. Evaluation of the possible contributions of geothermal, hydro and wind energies in the least-cost investment program for development of the Ethiopian electric generation, transmission and distribution system for next 25 years. Review of the existing geothermal fields and their development status, and appraisal of future development potential and related economics. Development of scenarios for the various candidate generating plants for modelling purposes. Capex, Opex and Economic analyses with tariff and IRR appraisal.

    Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:

  • Djibouti Least-Cost Power System Expansion Program - Djibouti

    Djibouti Least-Cost Power System Expansion Program
    XDjibouti Least-Cost Power System Expansion Program
    Djibouti Least-Cost Power System Expansion Program

    Appraisal of indigenous renewable energies possible contributions in the least-cost investment program for the development of Djibouti’s electric generation, transmission and distribution system for the next 25 years. Project included review of existing geothermal, wind and solar and hydro (from Ethiopia via the interconnector) resources in Djibouti and their development status, as well as the appraisal of future development potential and the related economics for various potential geothermal developments, according size and technology. 

    Inland data collection on renewable energies, including geothermal, as well as training of local counterparts (Electricite de Djibouti-EDD and Ministry of Energy). Technical/economical appraisal, ranking of sites and development programs for the most promising ones. Teaming with economists and electrical network specialists from PB UK (2009).

    Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:

  • Mokai and Rotokawa Asset Valuation - New Zealand

    Mokai and Rotokawa Asset Valuation
    XMokai and Rotokawa Asset Valuation
    Mokai and Rotokawa Asset Valuation

    Review of Asset Management Plans. Review of the existing asset condition at both plants, critical analysis of the rehabilitation and replacement plans (timing and budgets) included by MRP in the company AMP (Asset Management Plan). Reporting on coherence of future plans, findings and recommendations.

    Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:

  • Ngawha Asset Valuation for Insurers - New Zealand

    Ngawha Asset Valuation for Insurers
    XNgawha Asset Valuation for Insurers
    Ngawha Asset Valuation for Insurers

    Insurance valuation of installed assets (2009). Condition assessment of the binary plants (25 MW in total), costing and valuation of the assets (including depreciation) to up-date asset register for insurance purposes. 

    Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:

  • Tongonan and Palinpinon Asset valuation for Insurers - Philippines


    Insurance valuation of installed assets (2009). TCP staff was engaged by Energy Development Corporation (EDC) and subsidiary Green Core Geothermal Inc. to conduct an Independent Insurance Technical Assessment of the Tongonan 1 geothermal power plant (Unit 1, 2 and 3) in Leyte, Philippines as well as Palinpinon plants in South Negros. The scope covered condition assessment, engineering standards, O&M regimes, safety, staffing, Environmental management and monitoring.

    Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:

  • Assessment of renewable energies potential - Madagascar

    Assessment of RE potential
    XAssessment of RE potential
    Assessment of RE potential

    Country review for geothermal and hydro power development potential. Study performed with GNS Science (Dr Colin Harvey) for the Government of Madagascar with German funding. Assessment of geothermal resources and their potential via geochemical surveys in country (liquid and gas sampling at 6 pre-identified sites) as well as technical and economical appraisal of potential developments in Madagascar. Review in parallel of country potential for hydro developments (> 5,000 MW with only 100 MW developed). Reporting and proposal of future development plans. Review of possibilities to develop hybrid systems, such as geothermal and rice hull biomass, or direct use geothermal applications in the crop and fruit production processes. 

    Thorndon Cook staff involved in this project:


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